To tidy up the existing Standard website with new layouts, images and video. Bring a little more of that brand pizazz to their online presence.
Get with the Standard team and coordinate layouts, gather photos and video assets, and take new photos and videos as needed.
Much cleaner and aesthetically pleasing user interface. Client happy with larger more impactful imagery.
Designed cleaner, fresher layout utilizing larger scale photography and video. Worked with tech team to ensure smooth rollout.
Engaged with client in developing the new interface and gathering needed assets. Maintained schedule for final delivery.
Designed three different UI directions. Refined designs the client liked. Finalized layout and organize assets for each page.
Worked with third party team to develop HTML layout to design specifications. Distributed all graphical elements and manage their implementation to the proper pages. Assisted in quality control.
Let's talk about what I do and what you need.